Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Disaster: Failure to Upload Files Correctly

I have a confession to make: like many of us around the festive period, or just in general - I am fond of a drink or seven.  One evening I attempted to upload a whole bunch of videos from my trusty iPhone 4 to my PC as it takes a lot less time to upload to youtube from a PC to than it is by a phone.  I also deleted the files from my iPhone in doing so.  This meant that some great footage has been irretrievably lost.  Fantastic music men like Chris Mercer, Nathan Miller, Declan Hayes as well as two of the Christmas carol jamming jazz bands were all recorded performing, with the former three graciously giving interviews.  Somewhere in the drunken haze of the last three weeks these have all vanished into the cyber-aether and I say this with much regret.  Due to working a couple of jobs, engaging with a few other hobbies and maintaining a healthy level of alcoholism, any chance to record films is gleefully taken.  On top of this, I now don't have the same amount of change coming into my pockets like I did from Christmas tips, which I used to pay some small tribute to the performers.  That's not to say this blog is finished, just the updates may become a lot less frequent.  I'd like to apologize to all of the artists who shared their time and energy performing or talking to me, expecting to be able to watch a video of their performance only to have downright idiocy rule the situation.

I'd also like to refer you all to a great youtube channel, not started by me but by a busker who I filmed.  I'm not the first person to have thought of the idea of filming buskers in Belfast, though I can attest that I was inspired only by seeing artists perform and nothing else.


Above is the Beat of Belfast, a channel which hosts over eighteen different.  I heartily recommend checking it out if you are interested in the local busking scene.

In the mean time, I'll give you some house party jams - performed by a deep lunged Scotsman who seems as fond of the devil's nectar as I am:  Georden Williamson.  A fantastic character, I'm sure you'll agree.